Some Reflections on Lazarsfeld and the Conceptual Development of Social Sciences

Sinan Tankut Gülhan deals with Lazarsfeld's critique reveals how social sciences continuously evolve at the expense of historical continuity, with new concepts replacing rather than building upon previous frameworks.

Some Reflections on Lazarsfeld and the Conceptual Development of Social Sciences
Lazarsfeld in 1941, Wikipedia image

This short post foregrounds the methodological and conceptual challenges within social sciences as articulated by Lazarsfeld. I have been examining the evolution of sociological frameworks and their temporal contingency through historical analysis of foundational texts. One passage from Lazarsfeld's introduction to "The Language of Social Research" provides particular insight into this methodological discourse:

"In light of all this it was very tempting for the editors of this reader to feature it as a contribution to the philosophy of the social sciences. But a more modest terminology seemed more appropriate to the present state of the social sciences. They have a long past but a very recent history only. Yesterday's concepts are forgotten for the sake of today's notion. Who remembers Tarde's laws of imitation when he writes about reference groups? Who wonders in what respect they are different answers to the same concern, or whether they tell the same story in different words? And where is there real continuity in the formulation of theories? Has Comte's hope to understand the development of society anything to do with Parsons' efforts to analyze social systems? The danger is that we shall end up with a few logical commonplaces if we try to bring out what is common to the various ways in which scholars, say in the last century, have tried to make a science out of the more general and much older attempts to understand human society."

Lazarsfeld, Paul Felix, and Morris Rosenberg. The Language of Social Research: A Reader in the Methodology of Social Research. Free Press, 1975, pp. 3-4.

Lazarsfeld's conceptualization reveals a fundamental tension in the development of social sciences that persists in contemporary methodological debates. Three critical dimensions emerge from this passage that warrant examination.

First, Lazarsfeld acknowledges the nascent and evolving nature of social sciences in comparison to more established disciplines. While human inquiry about society has persisted historically, it is only within recent decades that social sciences have developed comprehensive methodologies and theoretical frameworks. This recognition simultaneously highlights the potential for methodological advancement while emphasizing the necessity for scholarly modesty regarding theoretical assertions. It is noteworthy that a positivistic thinker of Lazarsfeld's caliber would acknowledge the fleeting nature of concepts rather than assert their law-like permanence.

Second, Lazarsfeld identifies a problematic pattern wherein the social sciences continuously evolve at the expense of historical continuity. His reference to Tarde's laws of imitation being overshadowed by reference group theory exemplifies how concepts are replaced rather than built upon. He questions whether these successive frameworks represent substantively different approaches or merely terminological variations. The discontinuity between Comte's positivism and Parsons' structural functionalism further demonstrates this theoretical fragmentation. Lazarsfeld warns that attempts to extract a common denominator from these diverse approaches risks producing intellectually insufficient frameworks.

Third, Lazarsfeld suggests that social sciences transcend pure academic exercise, representing instead an attempt to comprehend and potentially improve human society. Social scientists thus carry both epistemological and normative responsibilities, utilizing knowledge production for human betterment rather than exclusively pursuing intellectual curiosity or professional advancement.

These observations raise fundamental questions about epistemological continuity, methodological development, and practical application within social sciences. Has the field advanced in addressing these concerns since Lazarsfeld's time? Do contemporary methodological approaches successfully build upon historical foundations, or do they continue the pattern of conceptual replacement? To what extent should social scientists prioritize theoretical integration versus innovative framework development?

This analysis suggests the need for a more systematic historiography of social science concepts that traces their evolution, transformation, and occasional resurrection across different theoretical epochs. Such an approach might reveal more coherent patterns of knowledge development than the fragmentation Lazarsfeld identified, while potentially providing methodological insights applicable to contemporary social research.

Imagine, if you will, social theories as guests at an academic cocktail party spanning centuries. Tarde's laws of imitation might be sulking in the corner, nursing a drink and muttering "nobody remembers me anymore" while watching Reference Group Theory charming the crowd. Meanwhile, Comte and Parsons stand awkwardly on opposite sides of the room, both convinced they're talking about society but completely unable to find common conversational ground. And there's Lazarsfeld, playing the role of the observant host, wondering if anyone will remember this party in fifty years or if a completely new guest list will have taken over the venue. Perhaps what we need is not just new invitations but better introductions between these theoretical strangers who, despite speaking different disciplinary languages, might actually have more in common than they realize!